1. RDA -- SETA services for APACHE and RSELE Programs, SETA activities for the Air Force regarding
     optical filters, and Air Force Forecast II Panel to PT-45.
2. ENFITEK -- Preparation of Phase II SBIR Proposal.
3. System Planning Corporation -- Red-Blue team activities for SDIO Countermeasures Office.
4. InnoVision -- Matters regarding retinal surgery.
5. Potomac Synergetics, Inc. -- Phase I SBIR Study on noise in nonlinear optics.
6. SRI International -- Nonlinear optics.
7. Optical Society of America -- Presentation of courses.
8. Eastman Kodak Corporation -- Exploratory discussions regarding proprietary Kodak systems.
9. YEA, Inc. -- Marketing activities regarding this firm.
10. Maxwell Laboratories -- Ultraviolet laser radar.
11. Laser Institute of America -- Presentation of courses.
12. FMC Corporation -- Proprietary topics.
13. VARO, Inc. -- Eye safe lasers.
14. LSI, Inc. -- Special studies for MICOM, US Army Missile Command.
15. SPIE -- Presentation of courses.
16. Brooks Air Force Base -- Presentation of courses.
17. Engineering Technology, Inc. -- Presentation of courses.
18. Texas Instruments -- Proprietary discussion visits.
19. Rocketdyne -- EMRLD activity, special Air Force activity
20. Lyon & Lyon, PA -- Legal research re: Certain patent matters.
21. Los Alamos National Laboratory -- Nonlinear optics of new materials
22. SAIC -- Directing a team providing an analysis of Soviet technology in optical phase conjugation, also
    SDIO SETA activity.
23. Sandia Laboratories -- Nonlinear optics of nuclear-pumped lasers.
24. Technology Training Corp. -- Presentation of courses.
25. TRW -- Miscellaneous activities in nonlinear optics.
26. Aerospace Corporation -- Nonlinear optics of HF media, electrostrictive nonlinearities re: coupling of
    multiple apertures.
27. MCC Corporation -- Phase conjugation issues.
28. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory -- Special project.
29. BDM -- Proposal writing activity.
30. GT&E -- Nonlinear Optics of water.
31. KMS Fusion -- Nonlinear Optics issues.
32. W. J. Schafer Associates -- SETA activity regarding APACHE and APEX projects.
33. Dr. Jeffrey Kozoil, MD-- Laser sculpting of cornea
34. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory -- Presentation of courses
35. Eastman Kodak Corporation -- Presentation of courses
36. Jet Propulsion Laboratories -- Presentation of courses
37. NASA, Langley -- Presentation of courses
38. Kirtland Air Force Base -- Presentation of courses
39. UCLA -- Presentation of courses
40. Westinghouse INEL Labs -- Presentation of courses
41. University of Rochester -- Presentation of courses
42. Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International -- Presentation of courses
43. Naval Air Development Center -- Presentation of course
44. SPIE -- Presentation of courses
45. South African Physical Society -- Presentation of course
46. General Electric -- Presentation of course
47. US Army Night Vision Laboratory, Fort Belvoir -- Presentation of courses
48. Corning, Incorporated -- Presentation of courses
49. US Army, White Sands Missile Range -- Presentation of course
50. International Quantum Electronics Conferences --Presentation of courses
51. US Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal -- Presentation of courses
52. Coherent General Corp. -- Presentation of course
53. Dupont Corp. -- Presentation of courses
54  Amparo Corporation -- All-optical particle detector study
55. US Naval Hospital -- Optical recognition studies for skin disease detection
56. BDM Corporation -- Presentation of course
57. Beckman Instruments, Inc. -- Presentation of courses
58. NASA Goddard Flight Center -- Presentation of courses
59. McDonnell Douglas Aircraft --Presentation of course
60. SAIC --US Air Force advisory panel participation
61. Meadowlark Optics -- Course presentation
62. INEL National Laboratories -- Evaluation of Soviet technologies
63. Virgo Optics -- Course presentation
64. Naval Air Weapons Center -- Technical laser consulting
65. Pacific Scientific -- Optical monitoring of particulates
66. CJS, Inc. -- Pollution control activities
67. Kaiser Electronics -- Course presentation
68. Rome Research Corporation -- Nonlinear optics issues for tracking
69. Michael Gross Law Firm -- Mathematical modeling, data analysis
70. INEEL Labs (Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory) -Soviet technology monitoring

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